Name our helideck and win a firefighting training voucher worth £1000.

To celebrate our new OPITO accreditation, we’re giving away £1000 off a firefighting training course to one lucky winner.

We invite you to help us choose a name for our helideck that reflects the spirit and values of 3t Training Services and Vital Fire Solutions.

The guidelines

Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

Adherence to the theme:

The helideck name should reflect the values and mission of our training facility, such as:

  • Safety
  • Innovation
  • Excellence
  • Collaboration

Creativity: It should be original and creative. Think outside the box and propose a name that is memorable and meaningful.

Relevance: The name should be relevant to the purpose of the helideck.

How do I enter?

To enter, email your chosen name along with a brief explanation of its suitability for our helideck to

The prize

The winning name will be proudly displayed at the helideck and featured in our communications. The winner will also receive a £1000 firefighting training voucher to use at our Durham facility.

The winning name will be selected based on creativity, relevance, and adherence to the competition theme.


All entries must be submitted by Wednesday 24th July and the winner will be announced on Monday 29th July.

Terms & conditions

The competition closes at midnight on Wednesday 24th July, entries submitted after this date may not be considered.

Don’t need the training right now? The prize is transferrable. This means that you can nominate a friend, family member or colleague to train instead.

While this competition is open to anyone in the UK as well as international applicants you must be able to travel to our Durham facility to train. You will also need to cover the cost of your travel.

The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges

  • Emma Howorth – General Manager, 3t Training Services
  • Callum Ryder – Marketing Manager, 3t Training Services
  • Paul Burlison – Operations Manager, Vital Fire Solutions

Enter now!

Join us in celebrating our new OPITO accreditation and make your mark by naming our helideck.

Email with your suggested name and explanation.


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